Blue J Basics for Class X ICSE

Still Worried for Blue J in class X ICSE ?? Let's make it simple

Talking about Blue j, it is a Java based application which was developed by the kent university to do an entry-level programming in Java through it. But most of the students of ICSE are not either able to cope up with the launguage and they simply end up developing an anger against this subject.
Here, me and my team have given the maximum possible efforts to make the blog as simple as possible to understand by putting down some of the simple basics of Java Programming down here. So let's start.

Step 1:Before learning programming in Blue J, whosoever is reading this blog must go for reading atleast the first 5 chapters of any entry level book for Blue J so that atleast you can get familiar with the terms used here. 

So now let's go for explaining the language.

1. Generally a program starts with the line "import java.util.*;" or "import*;" so what's that?

These are generally a few of the lines of the programming language which you will have to remember to start programming. Talking about Blue j it works by importing the packages which are stored in the JDK( Java Development Kit) which is installed in your computer. These lines above has the function of just importing those two lines to allow you to make use of the functions which are available in that particular package.

2. Now you have got to name your class by giving it a suitable name "public class <name> "

This is what makes the program unique in your entire project. You can basically go for giving any special and unique name to your program so that it depicts the program to its readers. However, keep in mind that while giving it a name you can't go for using special characters like "*,/,#,&,^, <space> etc. If you want to give a big name containing more than 1 word then go for using an underscore(_).

3.From here onwards, the main logic of the program begins.

Me and my team after getting the opinions of many teachers and students, found it that the students were mostly comfortable while using " Scanner Class" as they believed it made the program smaller in comparison to "Buffer Reader". So here, We have given only information regarding Scanner class. If you are having any doubts regarding "Buffer Reader", drop your comments and all your doubts will be answered.

For scanner class,
The statement to be used is:- " public static void main(String args[]) "

4. Now is the time to import the scanner class by using this statement:

Scanner <any name> = new Scanner(;

After writing this statement, you can go for starting the main body of your program.
I have given some of the videos below to make sure that everyone who is reading this gets to know it fully.

So thanks for Reading ,

Hope this helped,
See you soon,
Promit Saha


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